在NetWare 5.1,6.0 或 6.5虚拟机中安装VMware Tools
1、启动虚拟机。(这不废话吗?) 本文引用自Novell迷网站
2、准备好你的虚拟以便安装VMware Tools (好像还是废话)
选择 VM-安装VMware Tools; CopyRight http://novell.me
接下来的步骤是在虚拟机里面执行的。 Novell迷网站原创内容,未经允许,谢绝转载!
3、加载CD-ROM驱动以便光驱以分卷的方式载入ISO镜像。按如下步骤操作: 本文引用自http://novell.me
在虚拟机系统Netware6.5的控制台里 (system Console) 输入 LOAD CDDVD
在虚拟机系统Netware6.0或者Netware 5.1 ,则输入 LOAD CD9660.NSS
4、当驱动加载完毕,你可以开始安装VMware Tools了。在系统控制台,输入:vmwtools:\setup.ncfrestart server
当安装完毕,会有消息提示“VMware Tools for NetWare are now running " Novell迷,迷Novell
5、重启操作系统。在系统控制台,输入 restart server
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VMware Tools安装完毕,请确保虚拟光驱netware.iso没有加载在系统中。如果已经加载,请在任务栏图标中,选择断开。 本文来自Novell迷网站 http://novell.me
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另:附上英文原文,供参考,Netware4.0暂不作翻译。如有需要,请留言。 内容来自http://novell.me
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Installing VMware Tools in a NetWare 5.1, 6.0 or 6.5 Virtual Machine
1. Power on the virtual machine.
2. Prepare your virtual machine to install VMware Tools.
Choose VM > Install VMware Tools.
The remaining steps take place inside the virtual machine. 本文引用自Novell迷网站
3. Load the CD-ROM driver so the CD-ROM device mounts the ISO image as a volume. Do one of the following.
4. When the driver finishes loading, you can begin installing VMware Tools. In the system console, type
When the installation finishes, the message VMware Tools for NetWare are now running appears in the Logger Screen (NetWare 6.5 and NetWare 6.0 guests) or the Console Screen (NetWare 5.1 guests).
5. Restart the guest operating system. In the system console, type
restart server 内容来自http://novell.me
After you install VMware Tools, make sure the VMware Tools virtual CD-ROM image (netware.iso) is not attached to the virtual machine. If it is, disconnect it. Right-click the CD-ROM icon in the status bar of the console window and select Disconnect.
Installing VMware Tools in a NetWare 4.2 Virtual Machine
1. Power on the virtual machine.
2. Prepare your virtual machine to install VMware Tools. Choose VM > Install VMware Tools. The remaining steps take place inside the virtual machine.
3. Load the cdrom.nlm module. In the system console, type
load cdrom 本文转载自http://novell.me
4. Mount the VMware Tools CD-ROM image. In the system console, type
cd mount vmwtools Novell迷网站內容,版权所有
5. Start installing VMware Tools. In the system console, type
When the installation finishes, the message VMware Tools for NetWare are now running appears in the Console Screen. CopyRight http://novell.me
6. Bring the guest operating system down. In the system console, type
7. Restart the guest operating system. In the system console, type
restart server
After you install VMware Tools, make sure the VMware Tools virtual CD-ROM image (netware.iso) is not attached to the virtual machine. If it is, disconnect it. Right-click the CD-ROM icon in the status bar of the console window and select Disconnect. 本文引用自http://novell.me
转载请注明出处!本文地址 http://novell.me/NetWare/2009/0326/install-vmtools-netware-5.1-or-6.5.html