下面引用英文报道原文,各位当作阅读理解吧。大致意思是Novell与McAfee建立了战略合作伙伴关系,借助McAfee的ePO,可以实时监控和管理网络,以便更好地管理和减少业务风险。 http://Novell.Me
According to the company, Novell Sentinel is the industry's only solution that ties identities, systems and data together to deliver a centralised view of business operations through an automated process that can stop violations before they happen. Novell Sentinel allows McAfee ePO users to track network activity that is deemed non-compliant, in violation, or suspect and receive alerts through the ePO console or through reports provided by Novell Sentinel. Events and alerts can be collected from ISP devices and multiple network access control (NAC) products.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009: Novell and McAfee have entered into a strategic partnership that gives McAfee's ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) solution users a holistic view of both network events and users. Current McAfee ePO customers can use Novell Sentinel to create an 'identity aware' environment using real-time monitoring and remediation of network events to better manage and mitigate business risk.
"Novell's leadership in the identity and access management market combined with the unique capability of the company's Sentinel solution will allow users of ePolicy Orchestrator to have visibility into non-compliant or suspect activity in real-time," said Joe Gottlieb, vice president, corporate strategy and technology alliances, McAfee. "This gives customers greater security that they will have auditable compliance and is a unique differentiation that will enhance ePO."
The new offering comes as a result of Novell joining McAfee's SIA technology partnering programme, where Novell will incorporate Sentinel into the existing security monitoring policies and remediation used through ePO, McAfee's framework console for enterprise security management. Novell迷网站原创内容,未经允许,谢绝转载!
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以下为引用的内容: 这项结合双方专长的方案将加速并精准地回应各种潜在威胁,为系统管理员带来可自动执行安全和身分识别与存取相关政策之亟需功能,可轻松验证法规遵循与可靠的身分存取。 本文来自Novell迷网站 http://novell.me 目前的McAfee ePO软件用户可使用Novell Sentinel产品建立一个具备「身分认知」(identity aware)能力的环境,运用实时监控及网络事件矫正功能,可妥善管理与减少商业风险。Novell Sentinel是业界唯一结合身分认证、系统、以及资料管理等功能于一身的解决方案,透过自动化流程检视资料系统运作,并可及时遏阻违反法规的事件发生,让企业用户可集中管理和全盘了解企业各项系统运作。 本文引用自Novell迷网站 Novell亚太区身份与安全管理总监Anthony Turco表示:「在多位用户共用电脑的环境中,系统管理员必须能针对每位用户,而非每个端点来执行安全管理战略。在这种复杂的环境下,必须使用针对特定用户的安全监控与执行方案,才可让网络信息获得更佳的保护,并加速因应任何突发事件的速度。」 http://Novell.Me Novell Sentinel可让McAfee ePO软件用户能够追踪不符合规范、违反法规或可疑的网络活动,并可透过ePO控制台或Novell Sentinel提供的报告获得相关警示。同时,亦可透过ISP设备及多个网络存取控制(Network Access Control, NAC)产品蒐集网络事件与警示讯息。 CopyRight http://novell.me McAfee公司企业战略与技术联盟部门副总裁Joe Gottlieb表示:「Novell结合身分认证与存取管理,加上安全监控的独特产品功能组合,可让McAfee ePO软件用户获得强大的监控功能,实时掌握不符合法规或可疑的特定用户网络事件。这可让客户更有信心地确保审视企业的网络事件都能遵循法规,同时亦凸显了ePO解决方案的功能特色。」 Novell迷网站內容,版权所有 这个新方案是Novell与McAfee SIA技术结盟计画的成果,其目标是协助加速安全产品互通性的发展,以及可在客户复杂的运自环境中简化安全产品的集成流程。作为此计画的成员之一,Novell将在Sentinel、McAfee ePO控制台与McAfee的集中式安全与法规管理系统之间建置资料与安全政策集成功能。 http://novell.me
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