I am using windows XP(Novell Client for windows 4.90) and have installed
Novell iPrint Client v02.02.00 and its possible to see all printers
avialable and also installs all HP and Kycera without problem. But when
I try to install a plotter (HP DesgnJet 800 PS Plotter - PS3-42 Driver)
its starting downloading from the network but rather quickly gets an
error AND its error reads as:
error message: The specified module could not be found
error group:windows
error code: 126
However, i can install this driver in Windows NT PC with the same
driver. For your information, i have re-installed Novell Client for
windows 4.90 and makes no differnce.
Any ideas? Novell迷网站原创内容,未经允许,谢绝转载!
当然首先要尝试的是重装安装过iPrint 的客户端了。(iPrint Client) 内容来自http://novell.me
To delete printer driver files in Windows XP: 版权所有,未经Novell迷允许,不得转载!
- Click Start, and then click Printers and Faxes.
- On the File menu, click Server Properties.
- On the Drivers tab, click the printer driver that you want to delete, and then click Remove.
Then remove here the printer driver of the not fuctioning printer. After this is done you can install the printer with iprint.
I have the fix. There is a TID on this kinda of, sort of. It has to do
with you path in your environment variables. I did have all the pathings
that was needed in the TID but my path had become to long of IPP and it
was truncating some of the pathing. I deleted my pathing so that it only
read: "%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%
SystemRoot%\system32\nls;%SystemRoot%\system32\nls\ENGLISH;" and now
everything works. This needs to be reported to engineering and fixed.
There is no reason that a windows APP should be using the PATH varible to
find it's own DLLs. This should be done through the registry. Novell
has a bad habit of mixing old DOS programming with Windows programming
and it only screws the user over in the end.
还有的办法是通过拷贝framedyn.dll 到C:\Windows\System32 目录来解决:
My issue was fixed by copying the framedyn.dll into the c:windows\system32\wbem folder http://novell.me
Another Solution from Novell TID,just for your reference.
Quote: The version of Windows XP installed on this type of "thin client" wants to create a system restore point before a printer driver is installed, but a required Windows file for that process is missing: srclient.dll http://Novell.Me fixAdd srclient.dll to the Windows\System32 directory and reboot the workstation. 本文转载自http://novell.me noteAdditional information:
CopyRight http://novell.me 1) Make sure c:\windows\system32\wbem and c:\windows\system32\drivers are in the Windows Environment Variable Path. |
Oh, Still have problem?
Please leave your comments. Novell迷,迷Novell
转载请注明出处!本文地址 http://novell.me/i-novell/2009/0306/novell-iprint-error-code-126.html