We are trying to access a PC through PC anywhere with the latest Client Installed on it. 4.8.3 SP1. PC Anywhere is ver 9. OS is Windows NT 4. I just installed the new Client Software and we cannot send control, alt, delete through PC Anywhere. I downloaded the new GINA and this did not fix the problem. Any help is appreciated.
You need the pcAnywhere gina loaded for the C-A-D passthru to work -
when you install the Novell client it removes the pca gina and installs
its own.
Anyone interested note this, because you won't find this complete answer
referenced in the Novell forums or the pcAnywhere knowledgebase - it is
a combination of several things here and there put together by trial and
error that provide the answer.
The awgina.dll by default will not call the nwgina.dll. By default the
awgina.dll calls the msgina.dll, which explains what is going on. If you
edit the Microsoft Windows NT Registry to call nwgina.dll, pcAnywhere
does not load properly, which will not allow you to log in to the
machine via remote
Step one, you do have to set Windows to call the awgina.dll in the registery
under Local Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows
NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogin on the GinaDLL string.
When that is completed, awgina.dll will hand off to the
msgina.dll by default after it runs.
To get awgina.dll to hand off to the nwgina.dll, you must go to HKLM\Software\Symantec\pcAnywhere\CurrentVersion\System and create a
new string value. By default, pcAnywhere calls the MSgina.dll if there
is no GinaDLL in this branch. As there isn't one by default, you have to
make a GinaDLL string value and then modify Value to point it to
When this is done, pcAnywhere's gina.dll will start as its supposed to
and then hand off to the nwgina.dll instead of msgina.dll, thus starting
your Machine with a Novell Client instead of the Microsoft Client.
如果你安装了Pcanywhere和Novell Client,你发现使用PCanywere的时候,Ctrl+Alt+Del失效了,那么基本上就GINA的问题了。 本文引用自
如可解决:新建键值于 HKLM\Software\Symantec\pcAnywhere\CurrentVersion\System 让它指向到nwgina.dll 内容来自Novell迷网站